
Web 2.0 Learning - A Case Study on Organizational Competences in Open Content Innovation

In this paper, a process-based view on shifting from proprietary towards Open Content Innovation in the LMS1 market is described based on in-depth research within KOPIWA2 – a pre-competitive joint research project on “Competences Monitoring for Open Innovation in the Digital Economy” in Germany. A longitudinal case study approach in shifting to a new Web 2.0 compatible business model is presented. The model focuses on providing process-facilitation, as opposed to the marketing of traditional Learning Management and Content Creation-Software. It serves as a basis for empirical insights into the management challenges and organizational competences that must be addressed to cope with Open Innovation. The results clearly point out that to master the challenges of Open innovation there can be no simple „switch of a button?, such as adopting the newest fashionable management tool. Instead, a far-reaching management paradigm shift is necessary to successfully accomplish Open Innovation. Among those behavioral patterns that need to be changed are breaking rules and conventional management routines, becoming accustomed to upside-down thinking to amplify organizational boundaries, process facilitation instead of micro-management, developing sophisticated networking evolution skills, establishing an effective stakeholder management system, managing by clear outside-in and inside-out principles.